Hydragas Publications, Papers & Videos

  1.  Nature Journal:  How dangerous is Africa’s explosive Lake Kivu? (nature.com)

  2.  GeExpro: A Long Road to Lake Kivu’s Potential https://assets.geoexpro.com/uploads/d6cfbd51-014a-4dc8-ac26-325b6a0364f3/Geoscience_Magazine_GEO_ExPro_v18i5_web%20v2.pdf
  3. Substack by Mose Jordan March 2024: https://medium.com/@mosesolutions/the-new-trillion-dollar-energy-source-035de9dd955a

  4. Substack by Philip Morkel December 2023:https://philipmorkel.substack.com/p/will-an-african-great-lake-kill-millions

  5. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, October 2024: Corruption in the Award of DRC Gas Blocks in 2023 – Feedback. https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2024-10-14/drc-calls-off-oil-and-gas-auction-following-allegations-of-backroom-deals

  6. Rwanda’s New Policy Direction on Sustainable Energy Generation February 2025 https://www.newtimes.co.rw/article/24156/news/energy/a-breakdown-of-rwandas-new-policy-on-sustainable-energy-generation 

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123 Main Street, Anytown, USA