Media: Publications, News & Press Articles
Media publications and releases for Hydragas are posted here for easy access.
Media publications and releases for Hydragas are posted here for easy access.
Getting recognition for a Top 1000 Climate solution requires extensive proof and investigation of that
Getting recognition by a prestigious sustainability label goes some way to assuring investors that a solution has good standing
Introduction Can we produce ethanol or methanol from Lake Kivu as an additional product to methane? If so, how? Methane is the primary energy form in the lake, which contains four times as
Lake Kivu’s extraordinary cleantech investment potential is complicated by being a niche opportunity, straddling several categories but not neatly fitting one. We must label it in a way that attracts investment.
What does it take to help a country make a transition to sustainable cooking energy? Why would the people change their tradition? What then is the most Sustainable Cooking Energy for the East African
Can countries make a rapid move into a net-zero, clean energy future? Most cannot, as there’s too much inertia. Germany tried with Energiewende, but has not got there. Rwanda can get there within five years with the use of a key technology deployment.
Bloomberg is searching for ten solutions to publicize that deal with real problems in the New Economy
Black Rhinos being returned to an ancient sanctuary, from where they were killed off in 1994.
The world’s experts on Lake Kivu’s gas extraction methods and safety requirements met in Switzerland and then Denmark from 2007 to 2009 to draft the lake’s rules-of-use.
Check out this Microsoft Sway presentation format for investor interest in Lake Kivu’s development
Advances in Sea Floor Mapping Extract from the BOEM Article Showing the Location of New Under-sea MappingNorthern Gulf of Mexico deepwater bathymetry grid. We create this from 3-D seismic surveys. The grid defines water